Houston Region, NJ Subregion: Second Round: (12) Booker T vs. (5) John Cena

WCW era Booker Spin-A-Roonie as Cena reels away for the 5 knuckle shuffle and hits him with the Book End as he comes off the ropes and prevents a SuperCena up by hitting him with the axe kick as he's rising. "Can you dig it... SUCKA!!!"

I can't do it, I know that next to nobody goes over Cena these days but although I'm kind of :shrug: about his WWF tenure, I loved WCW Booker and how he progressed through the ranks from Tag to TV (Benoit and Finlay series :thumbsup:) to US to finally reach the pinnacle at the infamous Bash At The Beach '00, were he was allowed to go over creative's (Russo) golden boy Double J.

WCW era Booker Spin-A-Roonie as Cena reels away for the 5 knuckle shuffle and hits him with the Book End as he comes off the ropes and prevents a SuperCena up by hitting him with the axe kick as he's rising. "Can you dig it... SUCKA!!!"

